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About Us

We have established cooperation with various doctors of Cameroonian origin practicing in Canada.

We want to educate and raise awareness among the immigrant population in general and Cameroonians in particular about existing health care and the importance of prescribed and recommended health measures in order to facilitate their access to health services and reduce social inequalities in health.
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Medical Fields
Medicine and health in general has a wide range of fields to discover.
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Hospital Established
We are established in several hospitals and collaborate with many others.
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We are so proud to be able to rely on our members to achieve our goals.

Welcome to AMCC !

The Association of Cameroonians Physicians in Canada strives to provide you with as much useful information as possible about the medical profession and everything that surrounds it.


Information for anyone who wants to know more about health in Canada.


Information for AMCC members.

Future Physicians

Relevant information for anyone interested in becoming a physician or health care professional in another field in Canada.

Our Commitment

Reasons why you should trust us

We have combined the expertise of several committed physicians in order to offer, to the immigrant communities and in particular to the Cameroonians, the best in the medical field in Canada and how to access it.

You can support us by making a donation.

Contact Us

Do not hesitate to contact us. It will be our pleasure to answer you as soon as possible!
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