Are you a Physician, Resident, Student, Health Professional? Join us!

Frequent Asked Questions

01. Why join the AMCC ?
There are many reasons to join, such as being part of a network of physicians working for the success of other physicians, receiving discounts for most of the activities organized by the CMCA, and contributing to the development of the Black community in terms of health. Note that IMGs fall into the category of affiliate members.
02. Who can be a member of the AMCC ?
Anyone interested in his or her goals. Different categories are offered according to your profile.
03. Does the AMCC accept non-physicians ?
Absolutely. Although the title refers to physicians, the association is open to anyone working in the health care or other field.
04. How to become a member of the AMCC ?
By clicking here !
05. I am a graduate from outside Canada and the United States (DHCEU), in which category should I register ?
The affiliate member category. Your category will change as soon as you enter the Canadian health care system as a student, resident or independent physician.
06. I am not of Cameroonian origin, can I still be a member of the AMCC ?
Absolutely, anyone interested in the objectives of the CMCA can be a member.
07. How long has the AMCC been in existence ?
For more than two years unofficially and officially since December 16, 2021.
08. Do I have to be a member to participate in activities ?
No !
09. Is the AMCC a charitable organization ?
Not at the moment but it is his goal to become one.
10. Do I have to be a resident of Canada to be a member of the AMCC ?
Not necessarily !
11. How can I make a donation ?
By clicking here !
12. Can I volunteer on an occasional basis ?
Absolutely, the AMCC is always looking for volunteers.

Contact us for more information!